Naval Engineer (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, 1991), Master of Science in Ocean Engineering (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, 1995) and Doctor of Science (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, 2002). He is currently an Associate Professor of the Naval Engineering undergraduate course at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and a Postgraduate Degree in the Ocean Engineering Program at COPPE / UFRJ. Specialist in the area of Marine Machines with focus on Noise and Vibration of Machines and Structures, ONLINE Monitoring System of Vibration and Operational Parameters, Propulsion and Energy Use in Ships and Renewable Energies. CEO in LEDAV (Laboratory of Dynamic Tests and Vibration Analysis) where he works in research projects related to companies or institutions that promote research (ANP PETROBRAS). In the years 2015-2016 he was technical director of the Brazilian Society of Naval Engineering (SOBENA).

PhD: Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
MSc: Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Main research topic: Marine propulsion systems
Phone: +55 (21) 3938-8752

Prof. Luiz Antônio Vaz Pinto, UFRJ.