Visiting Professor of the Ocean Engineering Program at COPPE / Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) (2020). D.Sc. in Ocean Engineering from COPPE / UFRJ (2017). Post-doctorate at COPPE / UFRJ (2017-2020). He researches in the area of offshore renewable energy, more specifically in researches related to the analysis of floating wind turbines, design and control of wave energy converters, and assessment of renewable resources in the ocean including offshore wind, wave, ocean, and tidal current, gradient thermal and salinity. He works at COPPE’s Offshore Renewable Energy Group (GERO) and is one of the mentors of the EQUIPE GERO, which is a competition team from UFRJ in this area.

PhD: Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
MSc: Azad University of Tehran, Irã
Main research topic: Marine and offshore structures
Phone: +55 (21) 3938-7789

Prof. Milad Shadman