UFRJ’s Naval and Oceanic Engineering is formed by the Department of Naval and Oceanic Engineering (DENO) at Escola Politécnica and by the Ocean Engineering Program (PEnO) at COPPE , who work, in an integrated manner, in teaching, research and extension activities.

DENO supports the undergraduate course in Naval and Ocean Engineering and also offers many disciplines for the undergraduate degree in Petroleum Engineering.

PEnO is responsible for Masters and Doctoral courses in Ocean Engineering, acting in 2 (two) major areas of concentration: Naval Engineering (AENO) and Oceanic and Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering (AECO). With a highly qualified faculty and specialized laboratories and among the most modern in the world, such as the Underwater Technology Laboratory (LTS) and the Ocean Technology Laboratory (LabOceano), it works in the training of human resources and research projects and other forms consulting.

In addition, it has a prominent position in international terms, maintaining cooperation agreements in teaching and research with some of the most prestigious institutions in the field of ocean engineering.


Autonomously and independently identify the demands of Brazilian society in the areas of Naval, Oceanic and Coastal Engineering. Develop and disseminate scientific knowledge and promote technological innovation through undergraduate and graduate education, research and extension, contributing to the country’s social and economic progress.


To be an internationally recognized center of excellence in undergraduate and graduate education, scientific and technological research and extension activities in Naval, Oceanic and Coastal Engineering. To become a national reference for the elaboration and conduction of sector policies, effectively contributing to the scientific, technological and social development of the country, with environmental responsibility.


Excellence: This is our essence, which drives our growth, our research and the development of our programs; Integrity: Integrity is the best way we can fulfill its mission and better serve Brazil. The values of PEnO and DENO include the defense of ethical and socially responsible behavior in management processes. Service to Brazil: We increasingly need to develop people and organizations to contribute to the development of our country.