Education, Science, Technology, Culture and Society: UFRJ at SNCT 2018 as an Instrument for the Transversality of Knowledge and Social Inclusion
Posting on: Event:The popularization-dissemination actions of Science, Technology and Innovation that aim at the social appropriation of knowledge are relevant to the extent that they contribute to the permanent education of citizenship and the expansion of the scientific-technological-cultural qualification of society. In this way, it is up to the actions related to them the important role of informing and, even, scientifically educating the population through the most varied communication processes.
The project aims to develop and consolidate popularization-dissemination actions of Science, Technology, Innovation, Arts, Culture, Environmental Education and Health, with interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary and interinstitutional characters, with the participation of several academic units from UFRJ, other educational and research institutions of the State of Rio de Janeiro and non-formal science spaces such as the Geodiversity Museum/Geosciences Institute of UFRJ.
Within the scope of the activities carried out in the program of the proposal of the National Week of Science and Technology (SNCT) at UFRJ, the intertwining of Education, Science, Technology, Innovation, Arts, Culture, Environment and Health stands out, as inseparable constituent elements, able to catalyze the triggering of actions that enable the participating public, mainly socially vulnerable groups and students of Basic Education, from the State of Rio de Janeiro, to a citizen education, focused on the sustainable development paradigm.
- Process: 440288 / 2018-5, CALL CNPQ / MCTIC-SEPED Nº 14/2018 – SNCT (2018).
- Situation: Completed in 2018.
- Members: Bianca de Carvalho Pinheiro (PEnO | DENO), Francisco Thiago Sacramento Aragão, Maria Mello de Malta, Selene Alves Maia (Coordinator), Carla Veronica Machado Marques, Luiz Cláudio Gomes Pimentel, Rodrigo Volcan Almeida, Renato Augusto da Silva Monteiro, Gerard Emile Grimberg, Katia Leite Mansur, Gleide Alencar Nascimento Dias, Gilberto Dolejal Zanetti.
- Award: Awarded an honorable mention at the 9th Academic Integration Week (SIAc 2018) at UFRJ.