Bachelor in Naval Architecture from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro-UFRJ (1974); Master degree in Ocean Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1975); Master degree in Naval Architecture from University of London (1978) and PhD. in Naval Architecture from University of London (1981); Pos-Doc from University of California at Santa Barbara – UCSB (1998). Associate Professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, he was the Rector from July 2011 to July 2015 and Pro-rector of Planning and Development from 2006 to 2011. He has experience in the area related to Hydrodynamics applications to Naval and Ocean Engineering. He coordinated the implementation of the Ocean Technology Laboratory – LabOceano / COPPE-UFRJ. Areas of expertise include: Hydrodynamics and Ship Propulsion, wave action on ocean structures, wave dynamics and potential theory.

PhD: University of London, UK
MSc: University of London, UK
Main research topic: Hydrodynamics and ship propulsion
Phone: +55 (21) 3867-6768

Prof. Carlos Antônio Levi da Conceição, UFRJ.